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we have extensive experience prototyping and manufacturing automotive parts, including for leading automotive companies such as BMW, Bentley, Lamborghini, and Land Rover. We use rapid prototyping techniques to produce high-performance physical prototypes built to pass the most rigorous verification and testing procedures.



Automotive manuf acturing possibilities



We produce prototy pes for many interior vehicle parts, such as the steering wheel, dash board, and console. By utillz-ing rapid prototy ping, interior parts can be tested in different ways. For exam ple, steering wheels can be evaluatedfor their grip, dashboards can be verified for color, and consoles can be assessed for the amount of wear they showafter use. The results gathered from these tests can provide insight into whether a design needs alteration.



Automotive manufacturing materials
We offer a huge range of material possibilities with all ourmanufacturing processes.

Some common choices for automotive projects are listed below.



CNC Machining Part Surface Finishes

Guangdong Engineering Plastics Industries (Group) Co, Ltdoffers wide variety high level surface finishes.We only list some of the common surface finishingoptions.

There are more surface finish options for customCNC machined parts.